Terms & Conditions


Vwd or villagewebdesign: The designer / developer

Site / website: the website requested for development by the client.

Client: Individual or organisation requesting the services of www.villagewebdesign.co.uk

‘In writing’: correspondence by email, or letter, Facebook Messenger, SMS text or WhatsApp . 


Vwd will carry out work as requested by the client, with instructions valid in written form, email or telephone from authorised members of the client’s organisation.

Sites will be hosted on the client’s preferred host or a popular and efficient web host service chosen by vwd. Vwd does not accept liability for the running of the website service, although every effort will be made to ensure the site is hosted on a fast and efficient server.

The price quoted unless otherwise stated includes webhosting your site for one year from the date of registration. Vwd will notify you of any increases in subsequent years with a minimum of 3 months notice if paid by VWD. Vwd will not be responsible for domain or hosting renewal unless specifically agreed with the client. Should the client wish to terminate any service, two months notice prior to invoice date (which is usually the anniversary of prior year fees) is required, as domains and hosting are set to auto renew unless otherwise agreed.

Vwd will maintain sole access to the website during construction unless specifically requested by the client and agreed with vwd. After completion, vwd will retain login passwords etc unless the client specifically requests to the contrary.

Vwd will not be held responsible for loss of earnings due to difficulties with the website. Adequate alternative trading arrangements should be developed by the client to ensure trading can continue in the case of the website not operating. Clients must request if they wish to include a daily site backup in their hosting plan, otherwise it will not be included. In the case of sites including a content management system with client access, the client should keep copies of text & images in case backup is required.

Vwd is not liable for virus attacks affecting the client’s website. While every effort is made to ensure a safe host account, and virus prevention measures, new attacks are being discovered all the time. VWD will make reasonable efforts to protect sites, and may take necessary action without the client’s consent to repair or protect sites at the client’s cost unless specifically requested otherwise. Host account and other passwords should be stored securely, and not on clients computers. No warranty can be provided for any site content aside from warranties provided by 3rd party software suppliers.

Websites will be designed for viewing on popular browsers, such as Internet explorer, or Mozzilla, and android / iPod. Vwd will not be held responsible for failure to display the site on other browsers unless notified of errors or omissions.

The client will be responsible for checking any website for errors prior to going live, and notifying vwd of any errors in a reasonable time. Vwd will provide where possible, at client’s request, a test site area for the client to view any web designs which will be hidden from normal searches.

The website design and content remains the property of vwd until any request for transfer is made in writing by the client and arrangements made for transfer to another host. Unless dedicated client-funded hosting is requested, then the website content and designbelongs to the vwd. All material used in the website remain copyright of vwd and may not be used, resold or reproduced without permission until copyright is transferred to the client at the end of any agreement. Licenses for some software will be issued as part of the website construction fee, and may be included without charge should VWD host the website, and remain in control of the site. Should a website be moved elsewhere by the client, then these licences will lapse, and the client will be liable for purchasing their own to maintain updates, and security of the site. No liability for site failures will be taken by VWD should the site fail due to not updating any software, or purchasing licences. 

Any material provided by the client will be used on the condition that the client has ensured no copyright infringements. The client will take all responsibility for all media provided, including images, video, logos, script.

Vwd will advise the client of any additional charges quoted in writing or email prior to inclusion on the website, and will only include on the website on authorisation and 50% deposit from the client. Fees for advertising on search engines must be paid in full in advance. Any quotations are valid for 7 days.

Although vwd will ensure that all possible methods are employed to ensure good search engine rankings, vwd cannot guarantee high placements on search engines. Advice will be given to assist the client in performing well with search engines.

The client must pay half the amount due on booking vwd’s services, the full amount for the contract on completion of the work, unless other terms have been agreed. Payment of the final balance indicates acceptance of the website by the client.

Vwd maintains the right to remove or suspend websites immediately should payment not be made according to our terms. Vwd will contact the client by email should this be the case. Payment is 2 weeks from invoice date.

Logos designed for clients by VWD are copyright VWD until payment is made for the design. The client may not use any logos until payment of the invoice for logo design.

Vwd may put links to the client’s website on it’s own website for potential customers to view sample work unless this is requested in writing to be removed by the client.

Any complaints received by vwd will be reviewed and discussed with the client and an outcome agreed. Vwd reserves the right to remove any material which is in dispute, for example of copyright until such complaint is resolved.

Vwd will include a link to www.villagewebdesign.co.uk on the footer of each page for sites directly designed by vwd. For third party clients, this is an feature which can be removed if requested.


We do not share details of our clients with any third parties, other than information available on the website and a link on vwd website to the client’s website.

Clients using data collection systems must ensure compliance with data protection legislation. VWD is not responsible for client’s data held on web servers.

Only material deemed suitable will be included in the website. Illegal or offensive material will not be included.