“I can use a free website builder” he says. Or “I’ll do it myself on Publisher”. A website for free is what a lot of people expect, and it can be done, but just this week I have had 3 enquiries to fix websites made in this way.
The fact is that you can’t expect a website to perform if you don’t know what you’re doing. metatags, page titles, and descriptions as well as well written content, alt tags, avoiding google blacklisting through keyword stuffing. This is just the beginning. So, use a professional!
But the dilemma is that in the early days for any business, it just seems to involve money going out, whether its for stationery, accountants,courses, advertising….
So here’s what I can do. Rather than buy your website, why not rent it. This way, rather than paying the one off cost of web development, you spread the burden. You own the domain you choose, and the website is hosted in a VWD account. Typically, this mint then cost you as little as £15 a month for your site, as opposed to perhaps a one of charge of £600 or more.
So, if you fancy easing the burden, let me know, and we’ll come up with something that suits your pocket, and drives your business from the start!