How many questions do you think you’ll need answering when you decide that a website will help your business or organisation? Well, here is a wish list, a shopping list, or whatever you want to call it. Just run through and make a note of the ones which are important to you to achieve your goals.
I want to be involved in the design
- I can meet the designer face to face
- It performs well with Google
- It’s user friendly
- Quick to load
- I’m not tied in for years to one web designer
- No hidden costs
- I know how long it’s going to take
- I dont have to worry about renewals
- I can link with Facebook & Twitter etc
- I can keep in touch with my customers through the website
- It can cope with future developments in technology
- I can add news, or a blog
- It’s secure & safe
- I’m not limited by site size
- I can edit it when I want, where I want
- I know how many people visit
- It can cope with online selling now or in the future
- I get good value for money
- I get ongoing support
- I may need it translated into other languages.
Well, using Joomla, Drupal, or WordPress, you can have all these facilies and more. Just ask about any of the features you may want, and I’ll be happy to discuss in detail.